Tham khảo Kali_hypomanganat

  1. 1 2 Lee, Donald G.; Chen, Tao (1993), "Reduction of manganate(VI) by mandelic acid and its significance for development of a general mechanism of oxidation of organic compounds by high-valent transition metal oxides", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115 (24): 11231–36, doi:10.1021/ja00077a023.
  2. 1 2 Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, A. (1984), Chemistry of the Elements, Oxford: Pergamon, tr. 1221–22, ISBN 0-08-022057-6 .
  3. Oxidation of hydrocarbons. 18. Mechanism of the reaction between permanganate and carbon-carbon double bonds, 1989 .
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